Archivo de la categoría: General


Al igual que hicimos en publicación anterior para formularios Windows, armemos ahora un diálogo, pero para WPF, que utilice nuestro componente de creación de cadenas de conexión.

Para la interactividad, será necesario definir algunas propiedades, en el modelo de la página WPF, pero como dependientes (DependencyProperty)

public Boolean ShowDBs
   get { return (Boolean)GetValue(ShowDBsProperty); }
   set { SetValue(ShowDBsProperty, value); }
// Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for ShowDBs.  This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
public static readonly DependencyProperty ShowDBsProperty =
    DependencyProperty.Register("ShowDBs"typeof(Boolean), typeof(dlgConnectionModel), new PropertyMetadata(false));

De igual forma, para poder habilitar el botón Aceptar cuando la conexión sea correcta, etc.

A su vez, el componente lanza un evento cuando, por cambio en el tipo de autenticación, requiere (o no), credenciales.

Este evento, atrapado en el modelo, permitirá a su vez, habilitar o deshabilitar los controles de usuario y contraseña.

public dlgConnectionModel()
   currentConnection = new();
   Current.RequireCredentials += Connection_RequireCredentials;
private void Connection_RequireCredentials(
   object? sender, 
   RequireCredentialsEventArgs e)
   => NeedCredentials = e.NeedCredentials;

Finalmente, al igual que en el diálogo para WinForms, el constructor de la ventana se establece como internal, para que sólo la clase que retorna la cadena de conexión pueda crear una nueva instancia.

Desde una aplicación WPF entonces, se podrá solicitar una cadena de conexión, a través de


El código fuente de este diálogo está aquí.

También utiliza una biblioteca de clases de apoyo para WPF que se encuentra aquí.

Creando cadenas de conexión para SQL Server

La cadena de conexión de SQL Server, varía según la ubicación (local, remota o en la nube) del servidor, así como, según el método de autenticación del usuario. Éste último, ha tenido varios agregados al integrarse con el Directorio Activo y su extensión en la nube, incluyendo Microsoft Entra.

Es interesante que la biblioteca Microsoft.Data.SqlClient expone una clase, SqlConnectionStringBuilder, que nos permite generar la cadena de conexión pasándole los parámetros requeridos.

En este ejemplo, les muestro una clase, definida en una biblioteca de clases, que permite generar cadenas de conexión, encapsulando la funcionalidad


Como se ve, expone como propiedades, los distintos elementos necesarios u opcionales, requeridos para definir una cadena de conexión.

A su vez, la propiedad ConnectionString genera la misma, al retornarla, según este código:

public string ConnectionString
      SqlAuthenticationMethod method = (SqlAuthenticationMethod)Enum.Parse(typeof(SqlAuthenticationMethod), AuthenticationMethod);
      SqlConnectionStringBuilder sqlConnectionStringBuilder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder();
      sqlConnectionStringBuilder.DataSource = Server;
      sqlConnectionStringBuilder.InitialCatalog = Database ?? "master";
      sqlConnectionStringBuilder.Authentication = method;
      sqlConnectionStringBuilder.MultipleActiveResultSets = MultipleActiveResultSets;
      sqlConnectionStringBuilder.Encrypt = Encrypt;
      sqlConnectionStringBuilder.TrustServerCertificate = TrustServerCertificate;
      sqlConnectionStringBuilder.ApplicationName = ApplicationName ?? "No name";
         case SqlAuthenticationMethod.ActiveDirectoryIntegrated:
            sqlConnectionStringBuilder.IntegratedSecurity = true;
         case SqlAuthenticationMethod.ActiveDirectoryInteractive:
         case SqlAuthenticationMethod.ActiveDirectoryPassword:
         case SqlAuthenticationMethod.SqlPassword:
            sqlConnectionStringBuilder.UserID = Username;
            sqlConnectionStringBuilder.Password = Password;
         case SqlAuthenticationMethod.ActiveDirectoryServicePrincipal:
         case SqlAuthenticationMethod.ActiveDirectoryDeviceCodeFlow:
         case SqlAuthenticationMethod.ActiveDirectoryManagedIdentity:
         case SqlAuthenticationMethod.ActiveDirectoryMSI:
         case SqlAuthenticationMethod.ActiveDirectoryDefault:
         case SqlAuthenticationMethod.NotSpecified:
      return sqlConnectionStringBuilder.ToString();

El proceso inverso, esto es obtener un objeto SqlConnectionStringBuilder a partir de una cadena de conexión, lo realiza el método BuildFromString

public static SQLConStringDefinition BuildFromString(String connectionString)
   SqlConnectionStringBuilder sqlConnectionStringBuilder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(connectionString);
   SQLConStringDefinition conStringDefinition = new SQLConStringDefinition()
      Server = sqlConnectionStringBuilder.DataSource,
      Database = sqlConnectionStringBuilder.InitialCatalog,
      AuthenticationMethod = sqlConnectionStringBuilder.Authentication.ToString(),
      ApplicationName = sqlConnectionStringBuilder.ApplicationName,
      Username = sqlConnectionStringBuilder.UserID,
      Password = sqlConnectionStringBuilder.Password,
      TrustServerCertificate = sqlConnectionStringBuilder.TrustServerCertificate,
      Encrypt = sqlConnectionStringBuilder.Encrypt,
      MultipleActiveResultSets = sqlConnectionStringBuilder.MultipleActiveResultSets
   return conStringDefinition;

Finalmente, la clase expone un evento, RequireCredentials, que se lanza cuando cambia la condición de requerir (o no), usuario y contraseña.

Ese evento se lanza al cambiar el valor de la propiedad AuthenticationMethod

public string AuthenticationMethod
   get => authenticationMethod; set
      authenticationMethod = value;
      SqlAuthenticationMethod method = (SqlAuthenticationMethod)Enum.Parse(typeof(SqlAuthenticationMethod), AuthenticationMethod);
         case SqlAuthenticationMethod.ActiveDirectoryPassword:
         case SqlAuthenticationMethod.SqlPassword:
         case SqlAuthenticationMethod.ActiveDirectoryIntegrated:
         case SqlAuthenticationMethod.ActiveDirectoryInteractive:
         case SqlAuthenticationMethod.ActiveDirectoryServicePrincipal:
         case SqlAuthenticationMethod.ActiveDirectoryDeviceCodeFlow:
         case SqlAuthenticationMethod.ActiveDirectoryManagedIdentity:
         case SqlAuthenticationMethod.ActiveDirectoryMSI:
         case SqlAuthenticationMethod.ActiveDirectoryDefault:
         case SqlAuthenticationMethod.NotSpecified:

Nota: La idea de tenerlo como una clase en una biblioteca de clases, es para poder utilizarlo desde distintos clientes (Windows Forms, WPF, UWP, etc.)

Cosa que haremos en próximas entregas 🙂

De paso, mis deseos de un próspero y venturoso 2024 para todos.

Windows Forms IU

SQL Server insert using JSON

During this post, I explained how to get information from a database in JSON format. In this one, I will show you how to store information sent to the database in JSON format.

I will use a very common scenario, storing a master-detail combination. For this, I use the Order-Order Details tables in Northwind database, which you can get here.

The goal is to store a new Order, with several Order Details in the same procedure, by using T-SQL OPENJSON.

Like a cooking recipe, I will explain this step by step.

Define the JSON schema.

We want to store the information received in the Order Details table, so its schema will be the schema received in the JSON information.

Simply get the Order Details schema and remove the NOT NULL modifiers. This will be used in the WITH modifier of the OPENJSON statement this way:

OPENJSON(@Details) WITH([OrderID] [INT], [ProductID] [INT],
[UnitPrice] [MONEY], [Quantity] [SMALLINT], [Discount]

Prepare the Stored Procedure.


It must have parameters to receive all the data for the Orders Table’s columns, and one more containing the entire JSON information for the Order Details table. Notice the OrderID parameter is declared as OUTPUT, so the calling code could retrieve the new Order ID for the inserted row.

   @OrderID        INT OUTPUT
, @CustomerID     NCHAR(5)
, @EmployeeID     INT
, @OrderDate      DATETIME
, @RequiredDate   DATETIME      = NULL
, @ShippedDate    DATETIME      = NULL
, @ShipVia        INT
, @Freight        MONEY
, @ShipName       NVARCHAR(40)
, @ShipAddress    NVARCHAR(60)
, @ShipCity       NVARCHAR(15)
, @ShipRegion     NVARCHAR(15)  = NULL
, @ShipPostalCode NVARCHAR(10)
, @ShipCountry    NVARCHAR(15)
, @Details        NVARCHAR(MAX)

Insert the Orders new row values.

It is a simple insert – values sentence, as follows:

 , [EmployeeID]
 , [OrderDate]
 , [RequiredDate]
 , [ShippedDate]
 , [ShipVia]
 , [Freight]
 , [ShipName]
 , [ShipAddress]
 , [ShipCity]
 , [ShipRegion]
 , [ShipPostalCode]
 , [ShipCountry]
, @EmployeeID
, @OrderDate
, @RequiredDate
, @ShippedDate
, @ShipVia
, @Freight
, @ShipName
, @ShipAddress
, @ShipCity
, @ShipRegion
, @ShipPostalCode
, @ShipCountry

Get the new inserted OrderId.

For this, the procedure must use the IDENT_CURRENT function.

SET @OrderID = IDENT_CURRENT('[Orders]');

Insert the Order Details using OPENJSON.

In this case, using Insert – select statement, and OPENJSON from the Details parameter as source, declaring it with the previously obtained schema. Notice the utilization of the @OrderID parameter for the Order Id value in each row.

INSERT INTO [Order Details]
 , [ProductID]
 , [UnitPrice]
 , [Quantity]
 , [Discount]
          @OrderID /* Using the new Order ID*/
        , [Productid]
        , [UnitPrice]
        , [Quantity]
        , [Discount]
          OPENJSON(@Details) WITH([OrderID] [INT], [ProductID] [INT],
          [UnitPrice] [MONEY], [Quantity] [SMALLINT], [Discount]

The C# code.

Define the Order and Order Details entities in your Application.

I created a simple C# Console Application Sample. In it, the Order and Order_Details has been defined by using the Paste Special Paste JSON as Classes feature in Visual Studio. You can see the step by step here.

The Insert routine in the main program.

The code creates a new instance of the Order class, with values,

Order order = new()
   CustomerID = "ALFKI",
   EmployeeID = 1,
   OrderDate = DateTime.UtcNow,
   RequiredDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(5),
   ShipAddress = "Obere Str. 57",
   ShipCity = "Berlin",
   Freight = 12.05F,
   ShipCountry = "Germany",
   ShipName = "Alfreds Futterkiste",
   ShipPostalCode = "12209",
   ShipRegion = null,
   ShipVia = 1

Then get information from a previously defined set, (as JSON), to have an array of Order Details.

// Create the details. To Avoid a long code, just get it from a JSON sample
var details = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize<OrderDetail[]>

Create the Connection and Command objects.

A connection object to the database is assigned to a Command object, with the name of the stored procedure as text, which is defined as a Stored Procedure command type.

SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(InsertUsingJSONSample.Settings1.Default.ConString);
SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand("InsertWithJSONSP", con)
   CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure

Add the parameters

Then, all the Order properties are added as parameters, plus one more, Details, containing the Order_Detail array expressed as JSON.

To do so, the code use Reflection to get all the properties in the Order instance and their values.

Note the parameter @OrderID is defined as InputOutput, so the code could retrieve the new Order Id once the procedure ends execution.

foreach (PropertyInfo item in order.GetType().GetProperties())
   com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@" + item.Name, item.GetValue(order));
com.Parameters["@OrderId"].Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.InputOutput;

Finally, the command is executed to insert the new Order with the Details and retrieve the new Id.

using (con)
   int retValue = await com.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
   int NewOrderID = (int)com.Parameters["@OrderId"].Value;

As usual, you will find the code sample here.

By using this method, you reduce the calls between your app and the database server, optimizing the response, and including the entire store process in a unique implicit transaction.


Languages and countries in your Apps

In our current globalized world, at this time, any web site must be multilingual, enabling the user to select the language to use.

Moreover, a global company needs to know from which country the user connected.

A lot of sites, more of the streaming services as examples, identifies the country based on the IP address. Which could be a mistake, since a lot of people are in a different country of which belongs to.  

Anyway, your database must need a language list and a countries list.

This post shows you a sample application which, using the standardized languages and countries from .Net Framework, and adding some information from external sources, set up some tables to manage this in your databases.

System.Globalization Namespace

The tool uses information from the System.Globalization namespace, which appears with .Net Framework from it very beginning.

The CultureInfo type exposes each of the languages in use around the world thru the GetCultures member, based in the ISO 639-1: Codes for the Representation of Names of Languages  and in the ISO – ISO 3166 — Country Codes.

Each CultureInfo class instance exposes these properties among others:

Name The identifier of the culture in the culturecode2-country/regioncode2 format
EnglishName The culture name in Enlgish
DisplayName The culture name in the culture of your current configuration
NativeName The culture name in it own culture
IetfcultureTag The culture part of the name
LCID The Windows Language code
ThreeLetterISOcultureName ISO 639-2 code
TextInfo Information about text management
Calendar Calendars used by the culture
DateTimeFormat How the dates and times are managed
NumberFormat How the numbers, currencies etc. Are used
IsNeutralCulture Indicates if it is just a language or a language and country specification

Finally, I get information from two external sources. I got the GPS coordinates of each country from here meanwhile the flag’s pictures are from here. You can found the urls inside the code as well.

Storage’s schema.

Languages/Countries database schema

The tool create 3 tables as you can see in the Diagram.

It is necessary this way, because some countries use more than one language, and the relationship must be preserved.

The tables have a InUse column, to enable/disable each row for your application. So, you can query the Languages table for all the rows with the InUse value in 1, to display only those languages you desire use, or have enabled.

Note: It is important using nvarchar/nchar data types, since several Native names are in UTF-8 chars.

Using the tool.

The tool expects at least the connection string to your database. It accepts a second parameter for the schema name under the tables will be created. If this value is not provided, the tool assumes “Masters” as schema name.

In any case, the DDL scripts manage the creation of the schema if it does not exist.

The source code of the DataGen solution is in my GitHub.

If you prefer just use a T-SQL script to add the tables, here is the script.

In future posts, I will show some faqncy methods for site AND CONTENT localization.

Auditing Data Changes

Sometimes, it is not only important to know when and who perform the last change but trace all the changes to the data in certain important tables.

Big applications, require security behaviors and traceability. And better more important, they must be maintained independently of the applications, since more than one application could modify the same database.

And here is where triggers come to rescue.

Of course, I am not saying you must implement business rules in triggers (or even in Stored Procedures).

Business rules are rules, not data manipulation, even when in some SPECIAL cases, you must implement some in database objects, but this is not the generic case. (We will discuss this in several other posts in the future).

How it works

To store any change, we need a COPY of the data each time it is about changed. So, we need another table with the same definition than the original. Moreover, it is good to store who and when the change was performed.

The stored procedure creates a new table, based in the source table definition, adding the following columns.

ColumnData TypeUsage

The stored procedure receives an optional parameter for the destination schema. If it is provided, the table denomination will be the destination schema and the same table name than the original. If not, then the history table will be named like the source one, plus the “_Hist” suffix.

Once the table exists, the procedure must create Triggers for Insert, update and delete changes over the source table.

How the triggers work?

A trigger is a T-SQL code which is executed automatically when something happens with one or more rows in a table.
The code could be linked to one or more of the three major events: Insertion, update or deletion.
Meanwhile the trigger is running, a special table, called inserted, contains the new values in change, and another table, called delete, contains the old values. Notice that this tables could contains more than one row, in case the action that start the process, manipulates one or more rows, like in one massive update.
From the trigger point of view, there is no update, but a delete and insert combined.
So, inside the trigger, depending on the action, you can have one or both “virtual” tables, as follows.


In this example, the trigger will store in the historical table a new entry with the row (or rows) are inserted. And entries with one or more deleted rows in updates or deletes, to persist the older version of the rows.

CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[EmployeeTerritories_TInsert] 
	ON [dbo].[EmployeeTerritories]
	--Insert a new ow in historical table
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[EmployeeTerritories_Hist]
     , [TerritoryID]
     , [DateChanged]
     , [UserChanged]
     , [Action]
            , [O].[TerritoryID]
            , SYSUTCDATETIME()-- The exact moment of the insert
            , USER_NAME()-- The user performing the Insert
            , 'Insert'
              [inserted] [O];
CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[EmployeeTerritories_TUD] 
	ON [dbo].[EmployeeTerritories]
       @Action NVARCHAR(15) = 'Update';
	   /*If there is no rows in inserted table,
	   then it is not an update*/
        SET @Action = 'Delete';
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[EmployeeTerritories_Hist]
     , [TerritoryID]
     , [DateChanged]
     , [UserChanged]
     , [Action]
            , [O].[TerritoryID]
            , SYSUTCDATETIME()
            , USER_NAME()
            , @Action
              [deleted] [O];

So, using the same methodology than in the SP Builder post, with a Table Type variable to collect the columns of the original table, the procedure builds the triggers’ scripts to create them with sp_executesql .

You can found the script fot the SP Create Triggers here.